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Napalm Death, Born From Pain, Mendeed - metal, METAL, MEEEEEETAAAAAAAL!!!!
Grindcore legends Napalm Death are on a European tour at the moment, and when they visited Holland I of course wanted to check out their show. It is a quite diverse tour again, with thrash metal, hard/metalcore and the very finest grindcore known to man. Let’s rock!
Because there were some miscommunications about guest lists and such, I missed a big part of Mendeed, a Scottish thrash metal ensemble. What I saw was a combination of the new shit like Trivium with the more brutal stuff here and there. Some death metal could also be found. They possess a guitarist that handles his stuff on the same level as the aforementioned Trivium do, which is pretty impressive one can state. Because of their more brutal sound I prefer Mendeed, but I must also say that too much of that over-the-top show-off solo guitar shit doesn’t make me happy. Luckily not everyone is like me. If that was so, there was not enough beer on this planet.
Born From Pain is a known name in Holland and abroad. They produce the tightest and finest hardcore our nation has to offer, and they proved it tonight. The sound was already awesome with the first band, with BFP it was even more intense. Pounding double bass, razor sharp riffs and a throat that literally kills. The sympathetic five-some played tracks from all albums, which is great. I personally prefer their older material which really set the tone for what was to come. The faster thrash like songs they play today can’t match up with their old stuff. But that’s again just me talking. A very fine show by a fantastic band. I wish them all the best.
Headliners Napalm Death exist for 25 years this year, and in no way does that affect in their energy on stage. The volume got an extra boost, making it waaaaaaay too loud, thus creating the total madness this band is meant to do. I guess Slayer can learn something from how these guys stand on stage nowadays, looks like it will last at least another ten years to me! The drums sounded almost machine like, and combined with the tightness of the rest of the band you do not know what hits you. I suspect that there were like between 30 and 40 songs played, old and new material. The soon to be released album Smear Campaign also was represented in the set, to give the fans a taste of the mayhem yet to come. Highspeed blasting murder riffs, monstrous breakdowns, headbanging thrash riffs and even more ultraspeed blasting were the ingredients for this show. And it was delivered with prestige, respect and most of all, a lot of energy. Vocalist Barney is still unstoppable on stage, and it will probably remain so until he drops dead face first into a maniacal crowd. After this I was deaf, drunk and desensitised. Napalm Death proved once again that they are the true kings of grindcore, and there ain’t no one taking that away from them!!!